Friday, February 11, 2011

Feeling Judgemental

Today, I was reading about how the IT industry is bad for women for a variety of reasons. But, I was thinking about how, in reality, it probably comes back to women not being able to handle the atmosphere. I'm not condoning sexism, but at the same time, you have to be able to have a thick skin and a sense of humor.

I don't know, because I've never programmed professionally, but I have lived in a 3rd world, latino country in the Caribbean, and I'll tell you that down there, they don't even pretend that they respect you. I chose not to live in that situation (after 3 1/2 years), but I think I'm pretty much immune to it. I'm not a stereotypical wife. If it bothers them, then it's their problem. Whatevs.

Also, I don't think like a normal woman. Or any other normal human, for that matter. My OCD comes in very handy with coding. Instead of going through every hair in a section of my head and snipping off split ends, one by one (which is mad lame), I can spend my time doing something constructive. Not many people have the focus that I do. Lucky for them.

But back to my point, which is that you either have it or you don't. Many of the best are not the most intelligent, but the most diligent. If men making "barefoot and pregnant" jokes is enough to send you packing, then you aren't going to get far in any career, anyway. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Just roll your eyes and move on, sister. No man is worth ruining your mascara with tears. And definately not some IT geek, ok?. :-P Wear your high heels with pride, because no man that I know could even balance in your shoes, let alone walk a mile.

Keep on keepin' on. Hasta manana.

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